Pest Control Isn’t Always Poisonous

A few years back I was on a well known social media site, on a neighborhood forum. Someone in the neighborhood had a bee problem and was looking for recommendations to deal with their problem. Being the helpful neighbor I am (ahem) I recommended ourselves for this job. We had handled jobs like this in the past, and I knew it was something we could easily handle. What followed shocked and surprised me. A non stop verbal onslaught demanding that if I enjoyed eating I should stop trying to kill the bees, or worse yet that people like me should be exterminated. I was the problem in the world. Well over a hundred comments later I decided it was pointless to explain, yet it was a huge example in how this industry is stereotyped. Many assume we simply throw toxic chemicals at whatever comes our way and have done with it, without a care for the environment or creatures living in it and that is far from the truth. Yes we do apply chemical and even some environmentally friendly treatments to remove dangerous insects from homes across Oklahoma, but that only scratches the surface of our purpose and intent. By the way, when we do have honey bees, we always try and rescue them first when possible. There are beekeepers that will welcome an addition, and when possible we will contact someone who would. Sometimes this is not possible however, whether it be the location of the hive, or especially if the infestation is toward the end of the year. A hive needs time to establish themselves to survive the winter in Oklahoma, and it isn’t always safe to leave a hive in the walls of someones home or office, especially around someone with allergies, or with small children.

Pest control really comes down to creating a safe environment for people to live, work and play in. Safe from potentially harmful insects such as brown recluse spiders, black widows, and scorpions. Free from rodents and roaches and fleas that can potentially carry dangerous diseases. Free from getting bit at night while you sleep from bed bugs. And yes sometimes even safe from bees, wasps and other stinging insects. Chemical treatments, or their organic counterparts, are often a part of that formula, but it’s really not the first step, or even the most important part of what we do.

When it comes to the human body, a good physician will try and find the root cause of an illness. When it comes to your home, we do the same. If you have an infestation of fleas for example, we don’t just come in and spray. Where did the fleas come from? Do you have pets? No? If not they probably came in on rodents. We will need to address the rodent problem. How did the rodents come in? Do we need to seal your home to protect you from future rodent and flea infestations? These questions are what creates a truly great pest control technician. Looking beyond what we are there to treat, to how can we help you not experience this problem in the future.

Leaky pipes are another huge problem for customers. A seemingly simple drip under the sink is a potential water source for roaches, scorpions, and pests. Damp and rotting wood is a termites dream, as well as fire wood or lumber stacked too close to your home. When we notice these issue we make a point to point these trouble areas out to hopefully prevent a problem in a future. Cracks and crevices, or poorly sealed pipes around your home are easy entry for most pests, for this, we offer services to help seal the cracks and crevices around your home, and keep pests at bay before they ever enter your home.

If you have questions or concerns about pests around your home, or need some help sealing problem areas, give us a call, we look forward to hearing from you!