Bah HumBUG

It’s official. The annual Holiday rush has begun before the last bits of Thanksgiving Turkey have been plucked from the bone. Black Friday has come and gone and Cyber Monday is well on it’s way. Many families mark the beginning of the season with the choosing of the tree, whether you cut it down yourself or select one from a local retailer, fresh cut evergreen trees are a common tradition. Did you know your tradition is also the habitat for up to 25,000 bugs according to this article by Fox News .

If you are one of many that enjoy a live tree around the holiday season, and still want to avoid the spiders, praying mantis, mites, and bark beetles that reside there, then it is suggested to check the tree for any insect nests and let the tree sit in the garage a few days before setting it up, also shake it out over a white sheet before bringing the tree indoors. This will allow you to identify and remove most of the offending critters before decking your halls with greenery.

Of course if you notice bugs lingering let us know. We will be happy to evict any unwelcome pests to let you get on with the celebrating. Also ask us about our monthly treatment plans. It helps us help you to stop bugs in their tracks before they become a problem. Happy Holidays from Flatline Pest Control!